PG-7VL round

RPG-7V anti-tank rocket launcher ammunition

PG-7VL roundPG-7VL round

Development of a new enhanced-penetration anti-tank round was a response to better armour protection of NATO main battle tanks (M1 Abrams and Leopard-2), expected in the late 1970s, through the use of multi-iayered (composite) and spaced armour. The new round was based on the results of the research and development, conducted by Bazalt in the mid 1970s. Back then designers determined thai the calibre and the warhead weight of a rocket could be increased at the expense of a slight reduction in the range of fire. Il would increase armour penetration. which preserving the design of the rocket launcher proper. The new round was designed under the supervision of V. M. Lenin.

The new round, designated PG-7VL (‘L’ stands for ‘Luch’ — the codename of the research and development project) was fielded in 1977. A larger calibre of 93 mm and a heavier warhead increased armour penetration up to 500 mm. A greater weight of the rocket reduced its muzzle velocity and the effective range of fire down to 300 m, which had an impact on In order to ensure accurate fire from new rocket launchers, firing ail types of rounds, the sight was also upgraded and designated PGO-7V1 Rocket launchers already in service were fitted with an instruction plate, mounted on the PG0 7V sight and sporting a conversion table for converting the tangent scale into the real range of fire of PG-7L rounds.

PG-7VL roundPG-7VL round


Specifications PG-7VL round

Warhead: HEAT
Warhead calibre, mm: 93
Weaght, kg: 2,6
Direct fire range, m: 250
Effective range of fire, m: 300
Muzzle velocity, m/s: 112
Maximum velocity, m/s: 300
Armour penetration, mm: 500

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