9×18 cartridges

9×18 pistol cartridges

9 mm pistol cartridges

By experience of small arms application in the Second World War the task of creation a new pistol with essentially smaller mass/volume characteristics than pistol TT has been put in by Small Arms Management of Main Artillery Directorate. It was required to keep for a perspective pistol complex a bullet stop action at a level of 7.62 mm pistol cartridge and also to provide high reliability and non-failure operation of work in various operation conditions.

The new 9mm pistol cartridge 9P with cartridge case length 18 mm has been developed at scientific Research lnstitute-44 (subsequently) TSNIITOCHMASH and accepted on arms simultaneously with Makarov’s pistol (PM) at 1951. The cartridge bullet 9P with lead core had muzzle speed less more than 1G0km/s and a ballistic impulse approximately 30% less at practically same weight as pistol TT.

Stop action of a new cartridge bullet was provided due to increase its caliber and the spherical form of a bullet head part.

Cartridges 9×18 are intended for shooting from pistols and pistol-machine guns. There are some modifications of cartridge providing performance of various tasks — with steel core bullet, tracing, high-impulse, expansive, armour piercing, for shooting in aircraft, lowered ricochet abilities and others.


9×18 cartridge with a steel core bullet 9 Pst (57-N-181S)

Cartridge with a steel core bullet 9 Pst (57-N-181S) Cartridge with a steel core bullet 9 Pst (57-N-181S)

The cartridge 3 Pst has been developed instead of a cartridge 9P with lead core bullet at 1954. It is emended for military personnel defeat at distance up to 50 m.

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9x19 cartridges

The bullet has bimetallic shell completely closing the core. The form of a bullet nose part as spherical A material of cartridge case is bimetal or steel covered by a green lacquer.

The bullet has not distinctive painting.

9x18 cartridge with a bullet with a steel core in section 9 Pst 9×18 cartridge with a bullet with a steel core in section 9 Pst


Steel core bullet and 9 Pst Steel core bullet and 9 Pst

General properties of cartridges 9 Pst

Weight of a cartridge, g: 10
Weight of a bullet, g: 6
Length of a cartridge, mm: 25
Muzzle velocity, m/s: 298
Close groupinq of shots on range up to 25m (R50), sm:3,2


9×18 cartridge with increased breakdown ability bullet RG 028

Cartridge with increased breakdown ability bullet RG 028Cartridge with increased breakdown ability bullet RG 028

High-impulse cartridge with increased breakdown ability bullet has been created at the end of 1970 under the order of KGB of the USSR, it is intended for military personnel defeat n persona! armoured protective equipment.

The increased opportunities on flak jacket punching out л comparison with a cartridge 9 Pst have been achieved due to core design improvement The bullet is semi-shell. Such design has been chosen with the purpose to increase core breakdown ability which energy is not spent for punching out bullet shell.

The bullet has not distinctive painting.

General properties of cartridges RG 028

Weight of a cartridge, g: 11
Weight of a bullet, g: 6
Length of a cartridge, mm: 25
Muzzle velocity, m/s: 325
Close groupinq of shots on range up to 25m (R50), sm: 3,2


9×18 cartridge with heightened breakdown bullet 9 PP (7N16)

Cartridge with heightened breakdown bullet 9 PP (7N16)Cartridge with heightened breakdown bullet 9 PP (7N16)

High-impulse cartridge with steel core bullet has been created at the end of 1980. It is intended for military personnel defeat at distance up lo 50m. Increase of penetrative and stop action has been achieved due to substantial growth of muzzle velocity.

The bullet has weight 5.5 g and as equipped by bimetallic shell completely closing the core. The form of a bullet nose part is conic. The cartridge 9PP should be used only with advanced Makarov’s pistol (PMM).

The bullet has not distinctive painting.

General properties of cartridges 9 PP

Weight of a cartridge, g: 9,6
Weight of a bullet, g: 5,5
Length of a cartridge, mm: 25
Muzzle velocity, m/s: 420

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Special bullets


9×18 cartridge with increased stop action bullet SP7

Cartridge with increased stop action bullet SP7 Cartridge with increased stop action bullet SP7

Cartridge with increased stop action bullet is intended for military personnel defeat unprotected by persona! armoured protective equipment. The increased stop action is achieved due to design of bullet and its muzzle velocity increase up to 420 m/s.

Bullet is expansive and semi-shell with a cavity in a head part.

The cartridge is accepted on arms for special divisions of law enforcement bodies
The head part of a bullet is painted in black color.

Bullet cartridges SP7 and SP8Bullet cartridges SP7 and SP8

General properties of cartridges SP7

Weight of a cartridge, g: 8
Weight ot a bullet, g: 6
Length ot a cartridge, mm: 25
Muzzle velocity, m/s: 420


9×18 cartridge with small breakdown ability bullet SP8

Cartridge with small breakdown ability bullet SP8 Cartridge with small breakdown ability bullet SP8

Cartridge with small breakdown ability bullet is intended for military personnel defeat in conditions of weapon application in air transport by special divisions of law enforcement bodies. The requirement of Sow breakdown ability is determined by necessity of tightness preservation of air vessel fuselage at bullet hit in it.

Bullet is expansive and semi-shell with a cavity in a head part. Muzzle velocity is lowered up to 250 m/s with the purpose of reduction its breakdown ability.

The bullet head part is painted in violet color.

General properties of cartridges SP8

Weight of a cartridge, g: 8,5
Weight of a bullet, g: 5
Length of a cartridge, mm.: 25
Muzzle velocity, m/s: 250
Close groupinq of shots on range up to 25 m (R50), sm: 3,2


9×18 cartridge with armour piercing bullet PBM (7N25)

Cartridge with armour piercing bullet PBM (7N25) Cartridge with armour piercing bullet PBM (7N25)

Cartridge PBM 9×18 has been created at the end of 1990 in State Unitary Enterprise ЙКВРМ. It is intended for military personel defeat in personal armoured protective equipment at distance up to 50 m. Increase of penetrative and stop action has been achieved due to reduction of a bullet weight and essential increase (up to 480 m/s) its muzzle velocity.

The bullet has weight 3.6 g and is equipped by high-strength steel core. The forward part core projects from shell.

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5.45x39 submachine gun cartridges

The bullet head part is painted in black color.

Armor-piercing bullet PBM Armor-piercing bullet PBM

General properties of cartridges PBM

Weight of a cartridge, g: 7.4
Weight of a bullet, g: 3.55
Length of a cartridge, mm: 25
Muzzle velocity, m/s.: 250


9×18 cartridge with expansive bullet РЕ

Cartridge with expansive bullet РЕ Cartridge with expansive bullet РЕ

The cartridge with expansive bullet is created at the end of 1990 for Ministry of Interior divisions. It is mended for unprotected personnel targets defeat on distance up to 50 m.

Bullet is expansive and semi-shell with a cavity in a head part.

The bullet has not distinctive panting.

Cartridge with expansive bullet PE, top view Cartridge with expansive bullet PE, top view


9×18 cartridge with tracer bullet PT

Cartridge with tracer bullet PTCartridge with tracer bullet PT

The cartridge with tracer bullet was created for shooting from pistols-machine guns. It is intended for personnel targets defeat, target designation arid fire correction.

Head bullet part is painted in greets color.

Tracer PT Tracer PT


9×18 cartridge with lowered ricochet ability bullet 9 PRS

Cartridge with lowered ricochet ability bullet 9 PRS Cartridge with lowered ricochet ability bullet 9 PRS

Cartridge PRS has been creased at the beginning of 2000 under Ministry of intoner of Russia order (9 PRS). The bidet erne is lead. Such bullet is rumpled at hit in firm barrier, quickly loses velocity and does not give dangerous ricochets.

The bullet has no distinctive painting but branding «PRS» in addition to factory number and manufacturing year is available on head-rounding of а cartage сase.

Donets cartridge case 9 PRS Donets cartridge case 9 PRS

A bullet ricochets with a reduced ability to 9 PRSA bullet ricochets with a reduced ability to 9 PRS


9×18 dummy pistol cartridge 9 UCh (57-N-181 uch)

Dummy pistol cartridge 9 UCh (57-N-181 uch) Dummy pistol cartridge 9 UCh (57-N-181 uch)

Dummy pistol cartridge is intended for training of charging and discharging weapon technique, firing shot and magazines equipping.
Dummy cartridge is performed due to usage of the basic details of a cartridge with an ordinary bullet 9 Pst but does not contain a propelling powder and has inefficient percussion cap fuse. Cartridge is produced with bimetallic cartridge case.

Two ring flutes are made on a cartridge case of dummy cartridge for its difference from live cartridges.


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