1PN91 and 1PN91-1 Night Vision Sights

1PN91 Night Vision Sights, left side1PN91 Night Vision Sights, left side

The night vision sights are designed for battlefield surveillance, target detection and recognition and aimed firing at a distance of up to 1000 m by night at natural night light exposure of (3-5) x 103 lx.

The recognition range provided by the ИТ-based night vision sights depends on the value of natural night light, exposure, air transparency and contrast between the target and its background. At high Sight intensity in the presence of external illumination and if a target is silhouetted against a light background (sand, snow, etc.), the target recognition range increases. Al low light intensity, Sow cloud ceiling» poor air transparency and if a target is silhouetted against a dark background (arable land, tree trunks, etc.), the recognition range decreases.

The sights are provided with the objective lens adjustment and automatic screen brightness control features.

The sights come complete with a control unit and a battery charger. Indices:
— 1PN91 — night vision grenade launcher sight for the SPG-9N heavy mounted grenade launcher;
— 1PN91-1 — night vision machine-gun sight for the 12.7-mm NSVN-12.7 and Kord (6P50-1, 6Р50-2, 6P50-3) machine guns.
Chief Designer: Yu. A. Sinitsyn.

Developed by: Tochpnbor Central Design Bureau, Novosibirsk.

1PN91 Night Vision Sights, right side1PN91 Night Vision Sights, right side

Performance Characteristics 1PN91

Apparent magnification factor: 6.5
Field of view, deg: 5.5
Eye relief, mm: 50
Boresighting range:
— elevation adjustment: 0-04
— halving adjustment: 0-04
Time of continuous operation without replacing the sight power source, h: 10
Power supply voltage,V: 2.4-3.6
Operating temperature range, °C: -50 – +50
Time of continuous operation of the sight at t=20 °C from one NLTs-0.9 battery or A-316 type cell, minimum, h: 10
Dimensions 1PN91, mm: 170x342x130
Dimensions 1PN91-1, mm: 215x342x130
Weight of sight to a power source, kg: 3.0

Читайте также:
1Р63 Collimator Sight


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